What Is Catholic Mental Prayer?

Catholic Mental Prayer, also called Catholic meditation, is a form of silent prayer that is the next level advanced from vocal prayer.

It is not Eastern Mysticism or any such thing. It is instead a lifting of the heart and mind to God.

All the saints practiced it. St. Alphonsus Liguori said: "every saint became a saint through Mental Prayer."

Do your Mental Prayer in a completely quiet room or church to block out distractions. Your mind may jump around everywhere to worries, tasks you need to do, or fears, but you simply train it back to your topic of meditation.

Here is how you do Mental Prayer:

  • Prepare: Place yourself in God's presence and pray for the grace to meditate
  • Begin the meditation
    • Reflect on particular subject, some truth of God or the Faith (more on this later)
    • Examine yourself in relation to this truth
      • Think of how you can improve in this aspect
    • Affections like sorrow for sin, hope in God, and love arise in your heart from...
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