Traditional Latin Mass and the Secret Recipe of the Saints

This is the unpublished, hidden chapter in my book, Lionheart Catholic, with the twenty-first ingredient in the secret recipe of the saints.

The Ancient Mass

“Hearken to your father who begot you, and do not despise your mother when she is old.”
        -- Proverbs 23:22

One of my greatest joys in being Catholic is receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist at Mass. 

But when I first became Catholic from Protestantism, I found the Mass somewhat of a letdown.

Part of that was because most of the Protestant pastors I had heard were very gifted in public speaking. Their words moved me and convinced me of whatever they were teaching.

Granted, much of what they said I now know was in error, but nonetheless they had a very good delivery and really packaged up the entire Sunday service in a way that was enjoyable, almost entertaining.

As a Catholic, I came to appreciate that the Sunday liturgy was not intended to be entertainment, and even...

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