NEW BOOK: From bestselling Catholic author, Devin Rose!

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Overcome sin. Find purpose and joy. Renew the Church.


Sound familiar?

- Are you stuck confessing the same sins again and again in Confession?

Break through your spiritual plateau with this simple practice called mental prayer. Hardly any Catholics, even priests, know about it anymore, yet all the saints practiced it and overcame their habitual sins through it. And you can too.

- Are you fearful that your children will leave the Catholic Faith when they grow up?

Keep your children Catholic with this simple, everyday practice that speaks louder than words.

- Do you long for your loved ones to become Catholic, or return to the Church?

In Lionheart Catholic, I help Catholics who don't know the Faith that well lead their loved ones into the Church, following the powerful but simple ideas that St. Francis de Sales and St. Edmund Campion perfected 400 years ago.


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"I wanted to write to say thank you for your book! I read it in just a few days, and now my husband is reading it. I think it taps in to exactly what we need right now in the Church: renewal. I had lamented the same things as you did with the scandals going on, and the different reactions I saw in my friends didn't seem like the answer (activism, relativism, leaving the Church, etc). I feel like you tapped into the answer and gave many practical tools, as well as writing a spiritual memoir of sorts. It's a great book.โ€"

A Reader

"I finished your book. GREAT BOOK! One of the best I have ever seen on a practical guide to interior life. Very personal, even vulnerable. Could not put it down. I think you can help a lot of people. Anyway, I want to use your book for study in the small group we are organizing here. It has it all!"

Dan Cheely
Radio Host, Relevant Radio

"Devin, this book is a jewel! Thank you for writing it. You have no idea how much light you have given me and my family during this dark time. Your book is one of the best I've read all year. A true and practical encouragement to keep the good fight for our Lord and His Church."

A Reader

"Lionheart Catholic is a story of personal transformation and discovery through Devin's own life experiences. I witnessed some of these experiences in Devin's life as his friend. This book offered a deeper insight into how he was able to work through many of life's biggest challenges and leaned on his faith to keep moving forward everyday. Devin's call for RENEWAL of the Church from within is both refreshing and ACTIONABLE. Everyone should read this book!"

Chad Pavliska
Early Book Reviewer

"I received your book and devoured it in two days! A beautiful job. You will bring many souls to God from people who read and put in practice your recipe. I will be praying for that. Our Holy Catholic Church needs devout and Holy souls."

A Reader

"Glad I found a legit, by the book Catholic group I can join. I read your how to be a saint book, loved it! And thatโ€™s the reason I am here :) Thank you so much for everything you do."


In the short video below I reveal more about the book and why I wrote it.


Get the book and learn all 20 secrets in the recipe of the saints today!


Get your FREE Lionheart Catholic Book Today!

I want you to have a copy of this book, so Iโ€™ve printed up 1,000 copies to give away for free if you will just pay for the shipping and handling to get it.

Can you relate?

- Are anxieties eating you alive, when you just want to be happy?

Find unshakeable peace and be rid of anxiety once and for all by following a well known truth the Church has taught for centuries, understood by the saints but forgotten by most today.

- Do you wish you had close Catholic friends but often feel lonely and like the Church is not very welcoming?

I'll show you the three steps to forming a group of friends that you can laugh with, sorrow with, and confide in, even if you know no one at your parish or area.

- Do you fear that you can't protect your children and family from the dangers of our toxic culture?

I'll show you how to trust in God's protection for your family while doing all that you can to ensure they are kept safe.

- Do you wonder why you continue to suffer and why God seems silent?

Learn this ancient Catholic wisdom that shows you how to grow stronger through suffering and deepen your trust in God, even through trials.

- Are you afraid that you will never find your future spouse?

I'll show you how the Church's saintly plan for women and men will help you become the most attractive person that you can be. 

- Are you wondering whether you are called to the priesthood, religious life, or married life?

Discover the tried and true way, including the key question to ask yourself, that will help you find God's calling and mission for your life.

Have you been struggling with any of those questions?

Then the secrets of the saints will help you.

I revealed all the secrets in a new book using my personal story of discovery over the last 20 years. 

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Lionheart Catholic has been featured on many Catholic radio shows, podcasts, and trusted Catholic websites.


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